Saturday, November 22, 2014

Who am I?

Welcome to my blog parents, carers and anyone looking after young children.

My name is Jill. I'm a wife to Brendan and a mother to Alice who is 2 3/4 and Oliver who is almost 1.
Currently I'm a stay at home mum, however priory to having children I was a childcare educator for 12 years and did a year of running my own Family day care business. before having Alice. Then did a year of Nannying with Alice in tow before I had Oliver. Over my 14 years working with children I have learnt a lot about children, however nothing can compare to being a mum. It is a totally different experience. For one they are there 24/7. No days off, no lunch break, no clocking off. It is hard work and very exhausting, But I wouldn't change it for the world.

I decided to start writing this blog to share with other parents/carers my experiences and knowledge I have learnt over my years as a professional carer and now adapt to apply to being a stay at home mum. I deferentially don't know it all and make mistakes on a daily basis. But like all parents and carers I am doing the best I can do and no one can ask for more than that.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and are inspired to have fun with you kids. After all they just want you to be present in the moment. So whether it is running around outside, drawing together or even cooking dinner, they just want to be involved. So have fun and enjoy your kids because they grow up way too quickly.


This is me!!!